8 research outputs found

    Extending DQL with Recursive Facilities

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    Object Relational Mappings reduce a gap between Relational Databases and programming languages. However, only the simplest operations are covered by the ORM frameworks. Most facilities provided by DBMSs are not usable via ORM. Among such features are recursive queries, introduced in SQL:99 standard. This paper presents integration of Recursive Common Table Expressions with Doctrine Query Language - a part of Doctrine ORM framework for PHP

    Graphene on quartz modified with rhenium oxide as a semitransparent electrode for organic electronic

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    Our research shows that commercially available graphene on quartz modified with rhenium oxide meets the requirements for its use as a conductive and transparent anode in optoelectronic devices. The cluster growth of rhenium oxide enables an increase in the work function of graphene by 1.3 eV up to 5.2 eV, which guarantees an appropriate adjustment to the energy levels of the organic semiconductors used in OLED devices.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Asymmetry in Germany-Poland relations. The problem of recognition of Poles in Germany as the national minority

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    Niniejsza praca "Asymetria w stosunkach polsko-niemieckich. Problem uznania Polaków Niemczech jako mniejszości narodowej" koncentruje się wokół problemów we wzajemnych relacjach polsko-niemieckich. Praca ma na celu przedstawienie problemu asymetrii w stosunkach polsko-niemieckich z jednoczesną próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie czy obecnie istniejąca asymetria na polu stosunków obu państw ( to jest brak istnienia polskiej mniejszości narodowej w Niemczech) jest historycznie i prawnie niepodważalna. Autor skupia się również na znalezieniu odpowiedzi na pytanie czy istnieje realna możliwość utworzenia polskiej mniejszości narodowej w Niemczech.This work "Asymmetry in the Germany-Poland relations. The problem of recognition of Poles in Germany as the national minority" revolves around problems in Germany-Poland relations. The main aim of the thesis is to show the problem of the asymmetry in Germany-Poland relations. Simultaneously the author is trying to answer a question if currently existing asymmetry ( which means the lack of Polish minority in Germany) is historically and legally indisputable. As well the author is focusing on the possibility of creating the Polish minority in nowadays Germany

    Propaganda in Nazi Germany and Soviet Union in crucial moments of World War II based on selection of speeches of the most important politicians in both countries

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    Praca powstała, by zmierzyć się z trudnym i wciąż nie do końca zbadanym zjawiskiem jakim jest propaganda w III Rzeszy i ZSRR. Skupia się ona konkretnie na mowach najważniejszych polityków w tych państwach w kluczowych dla nich momentach II wojny światowej i ma pokazać zmiany jakie zaszły w propagandzie tych państw oraz w retoryce tych polityków, jakich środków i sposobów używano, a wreszcie w jaki sposób walczono o całkowite poparcie społeczne . Praca składa się z trzech rozdziałów, wstępu, zakończenia oraz bibliografii. W rozdziale pierwszym podjęto próbę definicji propagandy oraz porównano propagandę ZSRR i III Rzeszy, uwzględniając przy tym najważniejsze podobieństwa i różnice. Kolejne dwa rozdziały stanowią główną tematykę pracy i skupiają się na analizie tych mów. Wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy doprowadziły do określenia i . Przeanalizowanie tych mów pozwoliło w przekonaniu autora na prześledzenie zachowań polityków w sytuacjach kryzysowych, ich reakcji i sposobu, w jaki próbowali oni zachować poparcie społecznie w czasach największych katastrof, jak tłumaczyli niepowodzenia swych armii oraz jak budowali motywację do dalszej walki i nadziei.This thesis is about propaganda in Nazi Germany and Soviet Union in crucial moments of World War II. In author's opinion mass persuasion and propaganda techniques are very important aspect of history and still is worth to examine that subject. This work is based on analysis of speeches given by the most important politicians in III Reich and USSR. The purpose of this study was to investigate how propaganda and speeches changed in these time. The thesis contains three chapters. In the first chapter author tried to explain what does propaganda mean and how propaganda worked in Soviet Union and Third Reich. Next two chapters are the most important part of these thesis and contains analysis of these speeches. The results revealed how these politicians reacts to crisis on military front, how they spoke to their nation and how they persuaded them to fighting

    Extending DQL with Recursive Facilities

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    Analysis of the brain proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy : differences between normal grey and white matter

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    Background: The proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (HMRS) is a non-invasive diagnostic method that allows for an assessment of the metabolite concentration in tissues. The sources of the strongest resonance signals within the brain are N-acetylaspartate (NAA), creatine (Cr), choline (Cho), myoinositol (mI) and water. The aim of our study was to analyse the ratios of metabolite signals within the brain in HMRS in the healthy population, to define the differences between the grey and white matter spectra. Material/Methods: We studied prospectively 90 subjects aged from 8 to 80 years (mean 43.3 years, SD=17.9), without neurological symptoms or abnormalities in magnetic resonance imaging. In all patients, brain HMRS with Signa HDx 1.5 T MR unit (GE Healthcare) was performed with PRESS sequence, using a single voxel method, at TE of 35 ms and TR of 1500 ms. Spectroscopic evaluation involved voxels placed in the white matter of parietal lobe (PWM) and the grey matter of posterior cingulate gyrus (PGM). On the basis of the intensity of NAA, Cr, Cho, mI and water signals, the proportions of these signals were calculated, as well as the ratio of the analyzed metabolite signal to the sum of signals of NAA, Cho, Cr and mI (%Met) in the PGM and PWM voxels. We compared the proportions in the same patients in PGM and PWM voxels. Results: There has been a statistically significant difference between the proportions of a majority of the metabolite ratios evaluated in PGM and PWM, indicating the higher concentration of NAA, Cr and mI in grey matter, and higher concentration of Cho in white matter. Conclusions: HMRS spectra of the brain grey and white matter differ significantly. The concentrations of NAA, Cr and mI are higher in grey matter, while of choline - in the white matter

    Electrostimulation and Nanomanipulation of Two-Dimensional MoO<sub>3-x</sub> Layers Grown on Graphite

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    Molybdenum trioxide shows many attractive properties, such as a wide electronic band gap and a high relative permittivity. Monolayers of this material are particularly important, as they offer new avenues in optoelectronic devices, e.g., to alter the properties of graphene electrodes. Nanoscale electrical characterization is essential for potential applications of monolayer molybdenum trioxide. We present a conductive atomic force microscopy study of an epitaxially grown 2D molybdenum oxide layer on a graphene-like substrate, such as highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG). Monolayers were also investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (semi-contact and contact mode), Kelvin probe force microscopy, and lateral force microscopy. We demonstrate mobility of the unpinned island under slight mechanical stress as well as shaping and detachment of the material with applied electrical stimulation. Non-stoichiometric MoO3-x monolayers show heterogeneous behavior in terms of electrical conductivity, which can be related to the crystalline domains and defects in the structure. Different regions show various I–V characteristics, which are correlated with their susceptibility to electrodegradation. In this work, we cover the existing gap regarding nanomanipulation and electrical nanocharacterization of the MoO3 monolayer